Saturday 3 January 2009

Laura's Sketch 16 - 2 sketches 4 you

This is hopefully the kick start I need to get me crafting again. What with work and Christmas my leisure time has been depleted and you know what its like the longer you go the harder it is to get started again.


Lyzzydee said...

Very pRETTY Can you please make more???

Laura Davis said...

This is just beautiful! Thanks for playing and Happy New Year!

Tamaroo said...

Totally cute! I just happen to have a bunch of those letter beads laying around that maybe I could do something like that with!

Kath Stewart said...

gorgeous card for the the lace trim and those cute alphabet beads...Happy new year to you

tiggertastic said...

such a lovely card, the butterflies are stunning, so pretty and i love the way they stand out

Happy new year

Sarah x

N2ScrapN4Fun said...

Very pretty. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love the butterflies and the crochet trim!